Senior & Scholarship Painting Hui Slides

“Katie is Head of Visual Arts at Rangitoto College where in 2021, despite extended lockdowns, 21 students achieved Scholarship, across three Visual Arts subjects.”

Senior & Scholarship Painting Hui Slides

Authored by Katie Poynter

This resource was presented during an ANZAAE Digital Hui on Wednesday 20 April 2022. Katie is Head of Visual Arts at Rangitoto College where in 2021, despite extended lockdowns, 21 students achieved Scholarship, across three Visual Arts subjects. In this hui, Katie highlights Rangitoto Art Department’s approach to teaching Scholarship, discussing how they build a culture of creative expression and critical thinking. She will also share her approach to teaching Painting, which is her specialty. Katie completed a Bachelor of Design in Painting in 2004, after which she worked and lived in Melbourne before training as a teacher at the University of Auckland. Image source: slide 37.

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