The Dusky Maiden and The Noble savage: Conversations about archetype and fetish

A reading that analyses the archetypes of the Dusky Maiden and the Noble Savage in the arts; most specifically in the the work of Shigeyuki Kihara.

A reading that analyses the archetypes of the Dusky Maiden and the Noble Savage in the arts; most specifically in the the work of Shigeyuki Kihara.

“Two common archetypes are the Dusky Maiden and the Noble Savage. These particular archetypes have fuelled many contemporary stereotypes and though this thinking may not have been ill-intentioned the outcome was excessively patronising, objectifying and misplaced. The Dusky Maiden and the Noble Savage are Victorian fetishistic stereotypes created in part by colonial desire and its concomitant guilt.”

By: Rhea Stevenson

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