Art History












A collection of Art History related resources to support kaiako with the planning and delivery of teaching and learning

  • Art History Teaching Resources ↗

    Art History Teaching Resources ↗

    External link: “Art History Teaching Resources (AHTR) is a peer-populated platform for educators who use visual and material culture in their teaching practice. Home to an evolving and collectively authored…

  • Modern New Zealand Art

    Modern New Zealand Art

    A Level 3 Art History resource on Abstraction in New Zealand art which includes content, analysis tasks, revision grids, glossary and references.

  • Generic Art Analysis Task

    Generic Art Analysis Task

    A generic one-period or homework analysis task to encourage the practice of providing examples and explaining effects in analysis.

  • Christian Contexts and Ideas

    Christian Contexts and Ideas

    An introductory article which provides simplified information about Christian beliefs in the context of art history, with some useful links to texts and websites and images.

  • How to Analyse a Painting Handout

    How to Analyse a Painting Handout

    A handout for students examining how to analyse a painting at Senior Secondary.

  • The Key Competencies and Art History

    The Key Competencies and Art History

    A list of possibilities for the integration of Art History and the Key Competencies in the New Zealand Curriculum.

  • The Dusky Maiden and The Noble savage: Conversations about archetype and fetish

    The Dusky Maiden and The Noble savage: Conversations about archetype and fetish

    A reading that analyses the archetypes of the Dusky Maiden and the Noble Savage in the arts; most specifically in the the work of Shigeyuki Kihara.

  • Fa’a fafine: In a Manner of a Woman, Triptych 1

    Fa’a fafine: In a Manner of a Woman, Triptych 1

    This link provides written, video, and audio content that analyses Shigeyuki Kihara’s series of photographs “Fa’a fafine: In a Manner of a Woman”

  • Postcolonial Glossary

    Postcolonial Glossary

    A glossary of terms for reading about Postcolonialist Theory. Useful for supporting Art History: Contemporary Diversity.

  • Abstract Expressionism: Scale Task

    Abstract Expressionism: Scale Task

    This is a great resource to use with Abstract Expressionism large scale artworks. All you need is a large floor space, task sheet, masking tape, and tape measures. Working in…

  • 15th Century Italian Painting

    15th Century Italian Painting

    Workbook pages to use with students on this topic area – includes main artists, iconography, rvision charts, glossary, crossword activity etc.

  • Fauvism and Expressionism

    Fauvism and Expressionism

    These pages are part of a framework for students studying NCEA Level 3 Art History.

  • Compare and Contrast Template

    Compare and Contrast Template

    Compare and contrast template suitable for all levels of NCEA, along with Junior Secondary.

  • Literacy resources for teaching Art History

    Literacy resources for teaching Art History

    A collection of literacy strategies from Irene Anderson, Team Solutions Literacy Specialist for enhancing learning in Art History

  • Art History for Juniors

    Art History for Juniors

    André Sampson will share tips about introducing Art History as a new subject, growing numbers in the subject, and improving results at senior levels in the practical arts through engaging…