A collection of Aotearoa NZ Histories related resources to support kaiako with the planning and delivery of teaching and learning
These teaching resources are inspired by the 2018 New Zealand Festival A Waka Odyssey, an epic week-long celebration of our shared voyaging past, and Pacific future. There is an emphasis…
Jay Pressnell discusses the Tiaki Project, an educational, arts based, audio-visual, interactive archiving experience for the purpose of preservation, presentation and sharing of community narratives, cultural identity and local histories.
External link: “Taku Whakautu is a documentary mini-series that focuses on the reactions of a diverse cast of people who are confronted with the history of the New Zealand Land…
External link: “Historical images, including photographs, drawings, paintings and cartoons, are useful resources to support teaching and learning about Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories.”
A Journey through the Waikato War explores the landscape in which the historic events of the 1860s Waikato War took place. Considered to be the defining war of the New…
A quick guide for Years 9-10 to the Tohu Whenua places where ākonga can understand, know and do Aotearoa New Zealand’s history where it happened.
A quick guide for Years 7-8 to the Tohu Whenua places where ākonga can understand, know and do Aotearoa New Zealand’s history where it happened.
A quick guide for Years 4-6 to the Tohu Whenua places where ākonga can understand, know and do Aotearoa New Zealand’s history where it happened.
A quick guide for Years 1-3 to the Tohu Whenua places where ākonga can understand, know and do Aotearoa New Zealand’s history where it happened.
External link: “Make history come alive for your ākonga through active, hands on learning at Tohu Whenua, the places that tell our nation’s most important stories, specifically tailored to the…
External link: “DigitalNZ is the search site for all things New Zealand. We connect you to reliable digital collections from our content partners, including: libraries, museums, galleries, government departments, the…
This kit promotes discussion and listening to others, resulting in re-affirmation of identity, whilst promoting mutual respect and respect for diversity. This kit is the result of a collaboration, led…
External link: “This episode of award-winning te reo series Whare Taonga visits Parihaka in Taranaki, a Māori spiritual community who were raided by British colonial troops in 1881 and suffered…
External link: is a online education kit aimed at inspiring children in New Zealand and the Pacific to recognise the STEM intellect of early Polynesian voyagers.
External link: “From the Past, for Tomorrow uses contemporary art as a launchpad for examining identity and representation, considering the impact of colonisation, and exploring the power of storytelling in…
Elements of racism and segregation are still prevalent within the Franklin community. The documentary “No Māori Allowed” exposing this dark history throughout Aotearoa. Our response is the Pukekohe Mural Project,…
See major Crown acquisitions since 1840, including confiscations after the New Zealand Wars and peak Native Land Court era.
See the settlements of longstanding Treaty grievances between iwi and the Crown since the early 1990s to today.
See the history of Māori arrivals from 1200, European arrivals from 1642 and the signing of He Whakaputanga from 1835 to 1839.
See the voyage of the 9 sheets of the Treaty over 8 months in 1840 across New Zealand. The sheets went to 45 locations and gathered 542 signatures.
See the places across New Zealand that sheets of the Women’s Suffrage Petition were sent to gather signatures. The sheets were then sent back to Kate Sheppard in Christchurch. The…
Ki te kore He Whakaputanga, tērā pea kāore i puta mai te Tiriti o Waitangi. Haere mai ki te ako kōrero anō, ki He Tohu.
I pūkākā te ahi puta noa i te tāone. Ka peke ngā muramura atu i tētahi whare ki tētahi, me te horopuku i ngā whare… Ka ahatia Te Tiriti?
Fire raged through the town. Tongues of flame danced from house to house, devouring buildings whole… What would happen to Te Tiriti? You can see the original Treaty of Waitangi…
Here’s the story of the writing of He Whakaputanga. You can see the original He Whakaputanga document at the He Tohu exhibition.
Here’s the story of the Women’s Suffrage Petition being presented to Parliament. You can see the original Women’s Suffrage Petition at the He Tohu exhibition.
Here’s the story of the Women’s Suffrage Petition being presented to Parliament. You can see the original Women’s Suffrage Petition at the He Tohu exhibition.
External link: “All-women arts and crafts groups have a long history in this country. In Māori society, where women and men for the most part undertook different branches of the…
External Link: “This guide complements the Leading Local Curriculum Guide series. It is the first in a series of two guides designed to support primary, intermediate, and secondary school leaders…”
External Link: “This guide complements the Leading Local Curriculum Guide series. It is the first in a series of two guides designed to support primary, intermediate, and secondary school leaders…”
External Link: “A programme aimed at increasing understanding of the past by exploring Treaty settlements and their enduring impact.”
External Link “Voyaging through Aotearoa New Zealand histories | Whakaterea te waka ki ngā tai hitori o Aotearoa.”
In 1991 six tribes took a major claim to the Waitangi Tribunal, encompassing everything from intellectual rights to management of indigenous fauna…
This docudrama follows an imaginary news reporter who travels back in time to cover the days leading up to the Treaty of Waitangi’s signing on 6 February 1840.
External Link: “The history of photography in New Zealand dates from early European settlement. Daguerreotypes may have been made here as early as 1841, a year after the signing of…
External Link: “In the 19th and early 20th century New Zealand painting was dominated by a conservative English style. Landscape was the primary genre.”
External Link: “Hundreds of years of passing on traditions, skills, arts and crafts has resulted in the rich Māori culture that is a fundamental part of New Zealand life today.”
In September 1893 New Zealand became the first country to grant all women the right to vote in parliamentary elections. This fly-on-the-wall docudrama reimagines this major achievement, following Kate Sheppard…
External Link: “Useful online collections of supporting resources and classroom materials to help you get started teaching Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories.”
External Link: “Take a voyage through the history of New Zealand with The Aotearoa History Show from RNZ – a part-animated web-series that travels all the way through from 100…
External Link: “Inspired by an epiphany at the Waitangi Treaty grounds in 2000, and after learning New Zealand’s founding document was actually several pieces of paper, comedian Mike King…”
This multi award-winning TV drama follows a whānau taking a claim to the Waitangi tribunal, over plans by a Pākehā neighbour to build a resort on disputed land.
External Link: “With Māori Language Week in full swing, how fitting is the confirmation that our very own history will be compulsory in all schools within three years.”
External Link: “Time travel and delve into taonga both famous and obscure with Dame Anne Salmond, telling tremendous stories about our Aotearoa. Made with the support of NZ On Air.”
External Link: “For 56 days in July, August and September 1981, New Zealanders were divided against each other in the largest civil disturbance seen since the 1951 waterfront dispute.”
External Link: “The tools and resources of Unteach Racism are for teachers to self-reflect and identify where they may need to shift their own understanding of racism, in order to…
External Link: “The Topic Explorer helps you find quality, curated resources on a range of topics to support and inspire inquiry. Each topic features a carefully selected set of national…
External Link: “Use these curiosity cards to spark student inquiry about Aotearoa New Zealand’s rich bicultural heritage. Explore themes related to the He Tohu documents and exhibition, and Tuia —…
A potent artwork created in response to a formative period in the history of the Pacific, Lisa Reihana’s stunning 26-metre wide, 32-minute long installation animates and reimagines the famous 19th-century…